Swiss Academies Series
Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences SAHS
All-day childcare and schooling
This report analyses the attitudes of parents in Switzerland regarding all-day childcare, based on data collected from an online panel of 2,161 parents. Providing high-quality childcare is essential for child development, equal educational opportunities, and increasing female participation in the workforce, all of which contribute to Switzerland’s economic sustainability. The analyses presented in this report are based on primary data covering various aspects of general parental attitudes towards all-day schooling, contrasted with specific views on the own family. They differentiated between German- and French-speaking parents to shed more light on potential regional differences.
Duchêne, Cédric, Marieke Heers and Laura Bernardi (2025): All-day childcare and schooling. A survey of parental attitudes in Switzerland, ed. by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (Swiss Academies Reports 20,1).
Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
Evaluating the Quality of Global Research Partnerships
This report provides recommendations for funding institutions to evaluate the quality of global research partnerships.
Lundsgaard-Hansen LM, Chi Aye Z, Douangphachanh M, Nanhthavong V, Kaba M, Nadja Kollbrunner N, Wiesmann U, Frey S, Mwangi Wangui J, Trechsel LJ (2025) Evaluating the Quality of Global Research Partnerships. Swiss Academies Reports 20 (2)
Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
Key Features of Sustainable North-South Funding Instruments
Towards an equitable landscape for global research partnerships
This factsheet provides practical recommendations for enabling conditions, fostering balanced partnerships, and achieving meaningful results. Key considerations include co-creating research agendas, promoting targeted capacity development, reducing institutional disparities, and adopting transparent evaluation practices. Funders are also encouraged to support outputs and communication efforts that align with societal and policy needs. These measures can help foster partnerships that are grounded in equity, shared goals, and mutual respect.
Aye ZC, Trechsel LJ, Lundsgaard-Hansen LM (2025)
Key Features of Sustainable North-South Funding Instruments.
Swiss Academies Factsheets 20 (1)Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
Astronomy Community Roadmap 2024
Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032 and beyond
This document is an update to the Astronomy Community Roadmap published in March 2022. It presents the needs of the Swiss astronomy and astrophysics community in terms of future national and international research infrastructures.
Together with similar Community Roadmaps in other disciplines, it is an element of the four-year process leading to the development of the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2027 to be written by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in view of the ERI Dispatch 2029–2032 to the Federal Council. The role of these ‘bottom-up’ inputs is to serve as an important basis for the strategic planning of the higher education institutions on new or major upgrades to national infrastructures and to inform and support SERI during its decision-making process on Swiss participation in international research infrastructure networks and organisations.
Jetzer P, Berdyugina S, Mordasini C, Paltani S, Pepe F, Refregier A et al. (2024)
Astronomy Community Roadmap 2024. Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032 and beyond.
Swiss Academies Reports 19 (10)
Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
Biology Community Roadmap 2024
Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032
This document is an update to the Biology Community Roadmap published in 2021. It presents the needs of the Swiss biology community in terms of future national and international research infrastructures.
Together with similar Community Roadmaps in other disciplines, it is an element of the four-year process leading to the development of the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2027 to be written by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in view of the ERI Dispatch 2029–2032 to the Federal Council. The role of these ‘bottom-up’ inputs is to serve as an important basis for the strategic planning of the higher education institutions on new or major upgrades to national infrastructures and to inform and support SERI during its decision-making process on Swiss participation in international research infrastructure networks and organisations.
Alvarez N, Bruggmann R, Buchmann N, Dessimoz C, Faso C, Hofmann S, Uhlmann V (2024)
Biology Community Roadmap 2024. Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032.
Swiss Academies Reports 19 (6)
Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
Chemistry Community Roadmap 2024
Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032
This document is an update to the Chemistry Community Roadmap published in 2021. It presents the needs of the Swiss chemistry community in terms of future national and international research infrastructures.
Together with similar Community Roadmaps in other disciplines, it is an element of the four-year process leading to the development of the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2027 to be written by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in view of the ERI Dispatch 2029–2032 to the Federal Council. The role of these ‘bottom-up’ inputs is to serve as an important basis for the strategic planning of the higher education institutions on new or major upgrades to national infrastructures and to inform and support SERI during its decision-making process on Swiss participation in international research infrastructure networks and organisations.
Buller R, Copéret C, Emsley L, Nevado C, Hofmann S (2024)
Chemistry Community Roadmap 2024. Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032.
Swiss Academies Reports 19 (7)
Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
CHIPP Community Roadmap 2024
Update of Swiss Particle Physics Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032 and beyond
This document is an update to the ‘CHIPP Roadmap for Research and Infrastructure 2025-2028 and beyond’ that was published in 2021. It presents the needs of the Swiss particle and astroparticle physics community in terms of future national and international research infrastructures. The content of the previous roadmap can serve as a reference and provides detailed context for the updates within this document.
Together with similar community roadmaps in other disciplines, it is an element of the four-year process leading to the development of the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2027 to be written by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in view of the ERI Dispatch 2029–2032 to Federal Council. The role of these ‘bottom-up’ inputs is to serve as an important basis for the strategic planning of the higher education institutions on new or major upgrades to national infrastructures and to inform and support SERI during its decision-making process on Swiss participation in international research infrastructure networks and organisations.
Kilminster B, Crivelli P, Dissertori G, Golling T, Isidori G, Montaruli T, Müller K, Seidel M, Sgalaberna D, Spira M,
Weber M, Benelli A (2024)CHIPP Community Roadmap 2024. Update of Swiss Particle Physics Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032 and beyond.
Swiss Academies Reports 19 (9)
Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
Geosciences Community Roadmap 2024
Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032
This document is an update to the Geosciences Community Roadmap published in 2021. It presents the needs of the Swiss geosciences community in terms of future national and international research infrastructures.
Together with similar Community Roadmaps in other disciplines, it is an element of the four-year process leading to the development of the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2027 to be written by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in view of the ERI Dispatch 2029–2032 to the Federal Council. The role of these ‘bottom-up’ inputs is to serve as an important basis for the strategic planning of the higher education institutions on new or major upgrades to national infrastructures and to inform and support SERI during its decision-making process on Swiss participation in international research infrastructure networks and organisations.
Bachmann O, Foubert A, Dèzes P, Hetényi G, Jäggi A, Müntener O, Reymond C, Roeoesli C, Rubatto D,
Soja B, Steinbacher M, Vogel H, Zeyen N (2024)Geosciences Community Roadmap 2024. Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029–2032. Swiss Academies Reports 19 (8)