The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
The association Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+ is the largest scientific network in Switzerland.

With over 100’000 members working as volunteers, a+ builds bridges between science, society, economy and politics. The association Swiss Academies a+ consists of four academies for natural sciences (SCNAT), humanities and social sciences (SAHS), medical sciences (SAMS) and technological sciences (SATW) as well as the competence centres Science et Cité and TA-SWISS. Together they encompass 154 specialist societies, 132 commissions as well as 29 cantonal and regional societies. The Swiss Young Academy connects early career academics.
The association Swiss Academies a+ strengthens awareness of the sciences as a central pillar for cultural and economic development. Its broad-based support makes it a representative partner for the political authorities. a+ networks scientific actors, provides expertise, promotes the dialogue between science and society, identifies and assesses scientific developments and lays a solid foundation for young scientists.
Find out more about the mandate of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, their organisation and much more.


Core commitment: Science and society
As a federal institution promoting research, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences reinforce networking of the scientific community through universities, research institutions and the private sector.

In line with their legal mandate, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences receive the majority of their funding from the federal government. The vast majority of the activities in which the Academies are involved are of a voluntary nature.

Science and information are important prerequisites for social and economic prosperity in the 21st century. For this reason, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are dedicated to the strengthening of education, research and innovation in every area and phase of life.

Members of the association of Academies a+
The association Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+ is the largest scientific network in Switzerland. With over 100’000 members working as volunteers, we build bridges between science, society, economy and politics.

The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences with their members and professional societies represent the interests of the Swiss scientific community at international level and contribute their expertise there. In this way, they contribute to the strengthening of the science location Switzerland.