We are the largest scientific network in Switzerland and provide advice to policy-makers and society on knowledge-based and socially relevant issues. About us

Members of the association of Academies a+

The association Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences a+ is the largest scientific network in Switzerland. With over 100’000 members working as volunteers, we build bridges between science, society, economy and politics.

© Image source: Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences


The association Swiss Academies a+ consists of four academies for natural sciences (SCNAT), humanities and social sciences (SAHS), medical sciences (SAMS) and technological sciences (SATW) as well as the competence centres Science et Cit. and TA-SWISS. Together they encompass 154 specialist societies, 132 commissions as well as 29 cantonal and regional societies. The Swiss Young Academy connects early career academics.

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and its network of 30 000 experts works at regional, national and international level for the future of science and society. It strengthens the awareness for the sciences as a central pillar of cultural and economic development. The breadth of its support makes it a representative partner for politics. The SCNAT links the sciences, provides expertise, promotes the dialogue between science and society, identifies and evaluates scientific developments and lays the foundation for the next generation of natural scientists. 


Enabling, mediating and networking. With its 63 professional associations, the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS) is the largest network of humanities and social sciences in Switzerland. It subsidises research infrastructures, represents the interests of its community in public as an umbrella organisation and promotes dialogue between science, society and the political community.


SAMS is active in every medical area, from primary care to highly specialised medicine. It is particularly interested in ethical questions in medicine and provides guidelines in this respect. The Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences supports high-quality research and, simultaneously, promotes the latest generation of medical and clinical researchers. As a think tank, it encourages critical reflection with regard to challenging issues in medicine. It supports professionals and encourages dialogue with the political community and society.


The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) is the most significant Swiss network in technical sciences. It helps to develop Switzerland's leading position in this area and implement findings and insights to benefit the economy and society. On behalf of the federal government, it identifies technologies, evaluates their relevance for Switzerland and informs the political community, industry and society. It also promotes an interest in technology, particularly among young people.


The Swiss Young Academy provides early career researchers the opportunity to carry out inter- and transdisciplinary projects and activities at the interfaces between science and society in an inspiring environment. The Young Academy gives voice to young academics within the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and serves as a networking platform to bring together individuals from many different scientific fields and institutions of higher education.


Science et Cité is a non-profit Swiss foundation active on a national level. It has been promoting dialogue between science and society with low-threshold and innovative projects. Science et Cité is affiliated with the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences as a competence centre for dialogue.


New technology often leads to decisive improvements in the quality of our lives. At the same time, however, it involves new types of risks whose consequences are not always predictable. The Foundation for Technology Assessment TA-SWISS examines the potential advantages and risks of new technological developments. The studies carried out by the Foundation are aimed at the decision-making bodies in politics and the economy, as well as at the general public. Studies conducted and commissioned by the Foundation are aimed at providing objective, independent, and broad-based information on the advantages and risks of new technologies. To this purpose the studies are conducted in collaboration with groups comprised of experts in the relevant fields.



Communications a+

House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern