Voluntarily committed to science
The capabilities of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are based on its organisation as a network of scientists who are voluntarily involved beyond their particular research and education fields in the resolution of current challenges, conducting a dialogue with society and the political community and engaging in cooperative efforts that go beyond the boundaries of particular disciplines.

Thanks to the militia system, the association of Academies is the largest and most efficient scientific network in Switzerland. The network is supported by over 100,000 scientists involved in around 154 professional associations, 29 cantonal societies, 132 permanent commissions and numerous working groups.
The offices of the six members of the associated Academies and the a+ umbrella association administer this enormous national network and ensure that those involved on a voluntary basis can realise their duties under the most favourable framework conditions. The militia system also means that the Academies claim less than 1 per cent of the entire expenditure in the area of education, research and innovation for their respective activities.