The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences operate on the basis of a federal mandate.

The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are a research funding institution for networking and dialogue in accordance with the Research and Innovation Promotion Act (RIPA). Article 11 of the law defines the role of the academies as follows: they identify issues of social relevance in the areas of education, research and innovation at an early stage, promote networking within the scientific community, encourage the acceptance of ethical responsibility in research and teaching, and shape the dialogue between science and society to promote mutual understanding.
Important documents
The statutes, the strategic multi-annual programme and the service agreement form the guidelines within which the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences operate.
Statutes (in German)
Strategic multi-annual programme (in German)
Service Agreement (in German)
Based on the 2021-2024 multi-year plan and the dispatch on the promotion of education, research and innovation for 2021-2024, the objectives for the 2021-2024 funding period were set out in the service agreement with the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), along with details of the corresponding measures. The service agreement for the 2025-2028 period is currently being prepared.