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- MINT Svizzera – Panoramica dei progetti finanziati 2021 - 2024
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MINT Svizzera – Panoramica dei progetti finanziati 2021 - 2024
Accademie svizzere delle scienze (2024)
MINT Svizzera – Panoramica dei progetti finanziati 2021 - 2024. Swiss Academies Communications 19 (5).

Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences SAHS
All-day childcare and schooling
This report analyses the attitudes of parents in Switzerland regarding all-day childcare, based on data collected from an online panel of 2,161 parents. Providing high-quality childcare is essential for child development, equal educational opportunities, and increasing female participation in the workforce, all of which contribute to Switzerland’s economic sustainability. The analyses presented in this report are based on primary data covering various aspects of general parental attitudes towards all-day schooling, contrasted with specific views on the own family. They differentiated between German- and French-speaking parents to shed more light on potential regional differences.
Duchêne, Cédric, Marieke Heers and Laura Bernardi (2025): All-day childcare and schooling. A survey of parental attitudes in Switzerland, ed. by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (Swiss Academies Reports 20,1).
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
Ethical problems for research institutions collaborating with commercial entities
This statement by ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, calls for safeguards in research collaborations with commercial entities. As part of ALLEA’s longstanding commitment to research integrity, it emphasises the need for policymakers, academic institutions and funding bodies to adopt clear guidelines for collaborations with industry partners. The key considerations concern: preserving academic independence, ensuring transparency and accountability, managing conflicts of interest and aligning research with the public interest.
Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT
Evaluating the Quality of Global Research Partnerships
This report provides recommendations for funding institutions to evaluate the quality of global research partnerships.
Lundsgaard-Hansen LM, Chi Aye Z, Douangphachanh M, Nanhthavong V, Kaba M, Nadja Kollbrunner N, Wiesmann U, Frey S, Mwangi Wangui J, Trechsel LJ (2025) Evaluating the Quality of Global Research Partnerships. Swiss Academies Reports 20 (2)