Commitments of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
Science and information are important prerequisites for social and economic prosperity in the 21st century. For this reason, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are dedicated to the strengthening of education, research and innovation in every area and phase of life.

The Swiss knowledge society should therefore be capable of acting in a continually changing environment while exploiting and critically appraising a broad range of objective information, as knowledge also generates trust.
For this reason, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are committed to the following:
An educational, research and innovation system that is dedicated to scientific and research freedom and ensuring scientific quality and integrity.
The objective and scientifically based depiction of correlations and the identification of possible courses of action and their consequences.
Open Research Data ((Link auf ORD-Seite)) and Open Access that assure generally free access to research results, considerably facilitating and improving learning and teaching.
Recording the concerns of society in a dialogue of equals.
The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), which encourages a more equitable evaluation culture.
Data literacy is a significant component of modern education. Data literacy ensures that education focuses not only on the acquisition of basic skills, but also on the development of skills associated with data analysis and critical thinking.
Through this, the Academies support the development of science and the scientific community in Switzerland. This enables them to make a decisive contribution to the international competitiveness of Switzerland. The Academies are committed to the globally recognised Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and demonstrate scientifically based options for action that support their implementation.