We are the largest scientific network in Switzerland and provide advice to policy-makers and society on knowledge-based and socially relevant issues. About us


Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research SCPH

Jungfraujoch and beyond: high altitude physiology and medicine

International symposium at the University of Bern on 4 April 2024

© Image source: Konsta Punkka
  • Swiss Young Academy SYA


    Publiaction of the Podcast «Spark - Stories from Advocates for Global Change»

    The Swiss Young Academy is excited to announce the launch of a new podcast series - "Spark: stories from advocates for global change" - debuting on March 28, 2025. The series features thought-provoking, student-led interviews with a wide array of academic and non-academic experts from Switzerland and beyond. Together, they explore urgent global issues such as artificial intelligence, the impact of social media on democracy, human rights, and climate change - critical topics that shape our present and future.

  • Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT


    Preserving glaciers at over 3,000 metres through climate protection

    Strengthened climate protection on a global level could preserve more than a quarter of the ice existing today in the Swiss Alps. Researchers have written about this in a new fact sheet from the Swiss Academy of Sciences that outlines the current level of knowledge concerning glacial melting in the Alps, the diverse effects of this and possible courses of action. In particular, glaciers at over 3,000 metres above sea level could be preserved in the long term. The fact sheet will be published on 21 March 2025 to mark the first "International Glacier Day". The United Nations has declared 2025 the International Year of Glaciers' Preservation.

  • Swiss Young Academy SYA


    «Compassionate Science» project launched

    The Swiss Young Academy is launching a new project dedicated to promoting research practices characterised by empathy and humanity.



Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern